Sunday, November 20, 2005


Research: Taxis of the World

Recent scientific research has proved the existence of a taxi driver gene which genetically pre-disposes people to become taxi drivers, go out and buy a beaded seat cover, grow a fat backside and completely forget the street map of the town they have lived in for their entire lives. Examples of behaviour directly attributed to the taxi gene (all experienced by this Scaryduck Corporation researcher in various locations) are:

* Not knowing the location of the largest hotel in town, despite it being a thirty story behemoth with flashing neon sign on the roof visible for miles around (Tokyo)
* Possessing a car with only two speeds: stop and ninety miles per hour, with a radio turned up as loud as possible to drown out the screams of the passengers (Nicosia)
* Mistaking a large building site complete with cement mixers, bastard great holes in the ground and 200 hairy-arsed builders for the Sheraton hotel (Amman)
* An affinity for advanced mathematics, where the number displayed on the meter is a mere fraction of the actual fare. (Everywhere)
* Becoming “matey” with your fare, engaging them in conversation whilst driving three times round the one-way system (Winchester)
* Suddenly developing a bad back as soon as they see the size of your suitcase, instantly cured by the sight of US Dollars (Lagos)
* An irrational fear of the huge-tentacled creatures and brain-eating zombies that reside “Sarf of the River” (London)
* Mistaking the request “Take me to the Hotel Manhattan” for “Take me on a guided tour of the city until the meter shows five figures”. (Seoul)
* Mistaking "Take me to the airport" for "Take me to the nearest tourist trap followed by the duty free shop" (Tunis)

My research continues. Can I go home now?

Richard Herring explains how people become taxi drivers in 3rd para of this post
May I add:

*Mistaking tramlines for the road, and more worryingly, mistaking the left of said tramlines / road for the right. At 90 mph. (Naples)


*Finding it acceptable to watch a DVD on your brand new in-car entertainment system while transporting your passenger to the airport. At 90 mph (Brindisi)

Not that I would ever suggest that Italians can't drive.
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