Friday, May 12, 2006


Research: The Law

Did you know...

• In New York, it is illegal for taxi drivers to operate without a beaded seat cover
• Ostrich racing is forbidden within the city limis of Dallas, Texas

• Californian law forbids the screening of Baywatch, a law upheld in the Supreme Court as “some things just CAN’T be covered by free speech”
• The death penalty still exists in Britain for the crime of “Cow Nudging”

• In Hazzard County, Georgia, them Duke boys are still unable to cross the county line
• In Sydney, Australia, you can be fined up to $500 for “not calling someone Bruce”.

All is not stupidity though. We feel we must salute the fair city of Dresden in Germany, which has instituted the death penalty for street mime and unlicensed juggling.

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